Discover public records resources for Valley County, NE.
View our public records resources for Valley County, Nebraska. Browse by resource type or use the search tool to more easily find what you are looking for.
Resource Types | Resource | About This Resource |
marriage records |
View information and requirements about obtaining Valley County marriage licenses including parental consent forms, marriage license application, certified marriage license order form and fees. |
tax records |
Search Valley County property records by owner name, parcel ID, address, legal description, and sales through GIS maps, |
court records |
Directory of court locations in Valley County, Nebraska. Includes local links to searching court records, dockets, legal research, self help, and more. |
court records |
Links to state and local court records, general Nebraska court information, directory of courts, and online resources for courts in Nebraska. |
census records |
Valley County statistics for population, ethnicity, housing, geography and businesses. From the U.S. Census Bureau. |
meeting minutes |
View Valley County Board of Supervisors meeting minutes by dates including archived minutes from 2004 to present. |
employment records |
View Valley County office directory by department including employee name, address and phone number. |
vehicle records |
View all of the latest information around filing a motor vehicle records request in Valley County, NE. |
government jobs |
Search for Nebraska government and non-government jobs by zip code, category, company name or job id. |
inmate records |
Search Valley County jail and inmate records through Vinelink. |
death records |
Cummings Farm Cemetery in Valley county, Nebraska: Explore burial records, discover memorials, view photos, and find directions on Find A Grave. |
The information provided on this website about U.S. States, Counties, and Cities, is compiled from publicly available sources and is made available “as is” for informational purposes only. No representations, warranties or guarantees are made as to the accuracy, adequacy, reliability, currentness, completeness, suitability or applicability of the information contained on this website for any particular purpose. All 3rd party trademarks are for reference purposes only. powered by Intelius is a privately owned website and is not a direct source of government records or services and not affiliated with any government agency.
View public offices in Valley County, Nebraska. These offices may have additional information that is not yet available online. To obtain records from these offices, you may need to contact the office to file an official request. Each office has its own procedures, requirements, and fees associated with obtaining records. Contacting an office directly may allow you access to unpublished records in Valley County, Nebraska.
Office Type | Image | Office | Address | Contact Information |
court records | 125 South 15th Street Ord, NE 68862 | (308)-728-3831 | ||
laws codes | 125 S 15th St #102, Ord, NE 68862 | (308)-728-3906 | ||
laws codes | 125 S 15th St #102, Ord, NE 68862 | (308)-728-3906 | ||
laws codes | 125 S 15th St #102, Ord, NE 68862 | (308)-728-3906 | ||
voter election records | Courthouse, 125 S 15th St, Ord, NE 68862 | (308)-728-3700 | ||
voter election records | (308)-728-3700 | |||
voter election records | 125 South 15th Street Ord, Nebraska, 68862 | (308)-728-3700 | ||
voter election records | Courthouse, 125 S 15th St, Ord, NE 68862 | (308)-728-3700 | ||
land records | Courthouse, 125 S 15th St, Ord, NE 68862 | (308)-728-3700 | ||
tax records | 125 S 15th St #203, Ord, NE 68862 | (308)-728-5081 | ||
foreclosure records | 125 S 15th St #204, Ord, NE 68862 | (308)-728-5606 | ||
genealogy records | 232 N Spruce St, Valley, NE 68064 | (402)-359-9924 | ||
genealogy records | 1423 19th St, Auburn, NE 68305 | (402)-274-3735 | ||
vehicle records | 1532 L St, Ord, NE 68862 | (308)-728-3731 |
The information provided on this website about U.S. States, Counties, and Cities, is compiled from publicly available sources and is made available “as is” for informational purposes only. No representations, warranties or guarantees are made as to the accuracy, adequacy, reliability, currentness, completeness, suitability or applicability of the information contained on this website for any particular purpose. All 3rd party trademarks are for reference purposes only. powered by Intelius is a privately owned website and is not a direct source of government records or services and not affiliated with any government agency.
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Compiled by: Chris E. | Reviewed by: Blake A. | Last update: 03/13/24
Nebraska has a variety of public records that are accessible to anyone. These records encompass a wide range of data allowing individuals to review information online. Documents can include birth certificates, death records, marriage licenses, divorce records, business licenses, land records, and other important information. We compile our resource lists from reliable government agencies to ensure ease in your search.
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The information provided on this website about U.S. States, Counties, and Cities, is compiled from publicly available sources and is made available “as is” for informational purposes only. No representations, warranties or guarantees are made as to the accuracy, adequacy, reliability, currentness, completeness, suitability or applicability of the information contained on this website for any particular purpose. All 3rd party trademarks are for reference purposes only. powered by Intelius is a privately owned website and is not a direct source of government records or services and not affiliated with any government agency.
This site contains REAL public records data including criminal records, background reports, photos, court documents, address information, phone numbers, civil judgments, properties owned, social media profiles, and much more. powered by Intelius does not provide consumer reports and is not a consumer reporting agency under the Fair Credit Reporting Act. We provide information (criminal record, address, phone number, property, civil judgment, and more) that can be used to satisfy your curiosity, protect your family, and find the truth about people in your life. To use our site you must certify below that you agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use and will NOT use our site or the information we provide: