
Public Records Resources for Chemung County, New York

Discover public records resources for Chemung County, NY.

Search Chemung County, NY Public Records Resources

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Resource Types Resource About This Resource
tax records

Property Search and GIS Maps

Search Chemung County property tax and assessment records by municipality, tax id, or street name including GIS maps.

tax records

Chemung County Property Records Online Search | NY

Explore property records in Chemung County, NY with our Online Records Search. Access documents, maps, and more for comprehensive property information.

tax records

Chemung County Tax Maps & Property Information

Explore detailed property and tax information in Chemung County, NY, with the official Tax Parcels Web App. Access the latest orthoimagery and navigate through interactive maps.

tax records

Chemung County, NY Property Tax Information and Payment

Easily access property tax information, request tax clearance, and obtain a Certificate of Residency in Chemung County, NY. Find all relevant forms and resources for property tax inquiries.

tax records

Chemung County Interactive Tax Parcel Map

Explore Chemung County's interactive tax parcel map to view detailed property information, boundaries, and orthoimagery for accurate tax assessment.

tax records

Chemung County Property Tax Maps & Images

Explore property tax maps and photographic images in Chemung County, NY, provided in partnership with SDG, for detailed RPS data and property insights.

tax records

Chemung County Real Property Tax Maps & Services

Explore property boundaries and tax information in Chemung County, NY with detailed maps and resources provided by the Real Property Tax Services Agency.

tax records

Chemung County Tax Map Interactive Guide - New York

Explore the interactive Chemung County Tax Parcels Map to view detailed parcel information, utilize various map layers and tools, and access comprehensive tables and basemap options for your property research needs in New York.

tax records

Chemung County Property Tax Search & Resources

Explore Chemung County's tax maps and access property tax search tools, financial statements, auditor reports, and payment options for county property taxes.

tax records

Chemung County Tax Records & Financial Services | NY

Explore Chemung County's official resources for tax records, including property tax search, budget details, financial statements, and auditor reports. Access tax services and information from the Treasurer's Office.

tax records

Chemung County Tax Records Search - New York

Explore Chemung County, NY public records for property tax information, assessments, and other county tax records through our comprehensive online database.

gis records

Chemung County GIS Map - Interactive Tax Parcel Viewer

Explore the interactive GIS map of Chemung County for detailed tax parcel information, orthoimagery, and more. Compatible with Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.

gis records

Chemung County GIS Interactive Map

Explore Chemung County's GIS data including tax parcels, address points, and orthoimagery through our interactive web application.

gis records

Chemung County NY GIS - Property Data & Tax Maps

Explore property data, tax maps, and aerial imagery of Chemung County, NY, provided in partnership with SDG for comprehensive real estate insights.

gis records

Chemung County Real Property Tax Services & GIS Maps

Explore Chemung County's GIS maps for detailed property information, including legal land descriptions, and utilize the Real Property Tax Services for local tax assistance.

gis records

Chemung County NY GIS Maps and Data

Explore a variety of interactive maps and GIS data for Chemung County, NY, provided by the ElmiraChemung Transportation Council for planning and public use.

gis records

Chemung County NY GIS Tax Parcels Map - Interactive Overview

Explore Chemung County's Tax Parcels Map using ArcGIS StoryMaps. Visualize property boundaries with detailed maps, narrative text, and rich media content.

court records

New York Court Records and other Resources

Links to state and local court records, general New York court information, directory of courts, and online resources for courts in New York.

court records

Chemung County Court Directory

Directory of court locations in Chemung County, New York. Includes local links to searching court records, dockets, legal research, self help, and more.

court records

Elmira City Court Schedule - Chemung County, NY - 6th Judicial District

Find the latest court schedules and hours of operation for Elmira City Court in Chemung County, NY. Access criminal court arraignment times and general calendar information.

court records

Chemung County Court Calendar & Resources | 6th JD - NYCOURTS.GOV

Explore the court calendar, holiday schedules, fee structures, and access resources for drug treatment court and jury service in Chemung County, NY.

court records

Chemung County Court Schedule - New York

Find the latest schedule for Chemung County courts in New York, including session times and case information.

court records

Chemung County Court Schedule & Overview | New York

Discover the schedule and workings of the court system in Chemung County, NY, including case calendars and judicial procedures.

court records

Chemung County Court Schedule & Public Records Access

Obtain the latest Chemung County court schedule in NY and access a wide range of public records, including divorce documents. For appointments, call 607-737-2837 or 607-737-2031.

court records

Chemung County Clerk's Office | Official Services in NY

Explore the services of the Chemung County Clerk's Office in NY, including document recording, filing, and vital records management for local residents.

court records

Chemung County Clerk Office Contact Information

Find contact information for the Chemung County Clerk's office in Elmira, NY, including address, phone number, and links to boards, commissions, meeting agendas, and minutes.

court records

Chemung County Clerk's Office Contact Information | NY

Get in touch with the Chemung County Clerk's Office in NY for document recording and filing services. Find contact information for assistance with county records.

census records

Chemung County Census Information Summary

Chemung County statistics for population, ethnicity, housing, geography and businesses. From the U.S. Census Bureau.



View Chemung County bid opportunities by title including due dates.

sex offender records

Sex Offender Registry

Search New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services public registry of level 2 and level 3 sex offenders by last name, county, or zip code.


Chemung County, NY Warrant Information

Explore the latest warrant information in Chemung County, NY, featuring details on individuals such as Joseph Hartwell and Andrew S. Hazen, including physical descriptions and identifying features.


Chemung County Sheriff's Office – Law Enforcement & Warrants

Explore the Chemung County Sheriff's Office services, including warrant searches, law enforcement initiatives, and community programs. Learn about our dedicated team and budget commitments.


Chemung County NY Arrest Warrants | Sheriff's Most Wanted

Search for active arrest warrants in Chemung County, NY. Stay informed with the Sheriff Office's regularly updated Most Wanted List for local fugitives.


Chemung County Sheriff's Office - Warrants & Law Enforcement

Explore active warrants in Chemung County, NY, and learn about the responsibilities and services provided by the county's Sheriff's Office.


Chemung County Sheriff's Office Records Division

The Chemung County Sheriff's Office Records Division manages tasks such as processing information, depositions, and uniform traffic citations, as well as handling warrant inquiries.

vehicle records

Chemung County, NY Motor Vehichle Records Request

View all of the latest information around filing a motor vehicle records request in Chemung County, NY.

inmate records

Inmate Search

Search Chemung County inmate records through Vinelink by offender id or name.

death records

Gearhart Cemetery

Gearhart Cemetery in Chemung county, New York: Explore burial records, discover memorials, view photos, and find directions on Find A Grave.

The information provided on this website about U.S. States, Counties, and Cities, is compiled from publicly available sources and is made available “as is” for informational purposes only. No representations, warranties or guarantees are made as to the accuracy, adequacy, reliability, currentness, completeness, suitability or applicability of the information contained on this website for any particular purpose. All 3rd party trademarks are for reference purposes only. powered by Intelius is a privately owned website and is not a direct source of government records or services and not affiliated with any government agency.

Chemung County, NY Offices

View public offices in Chemung County, New York. These offices may have additional information that is not yet available online. To obtain records from these offices, you may need to contact the office to file an official request. Each office has its own procedures, requirements, and fees associated with obtaining records. Contacting an office directly may allow you access to unpublished records in Chemung County, New York.

Office Type Image Office Address Contact Information
court records Image of Southport Town Court

Southport Town Court

Town Hall 1139 Pennsylvania Avenue Elmira, NY 14904 (607)-734-4446
birth records Image of Chemung County Recorder of Deeds

Chemung County Recorder of Deeds

PO Box 588 Elmira, New York, 14902 (607)-737-2920
birth records Image of Big Flats Town Clerk

Big Flats Town Clerk

210 Lake St, Elmira, NY 14901 (607)-737-2920
laws codes Image of Chemung County Sheriff's Office

Chemung County Sheriff's Office

203 William St, Elmira, NY 14901 (607)-737-2987
inmate records Image of Chemung County Jail

Chemung County Jail

211 William St, Elmira, NY 14901 (607)-737-2934
genealogy records Image of Steele Memorial Library (Chemung County Library District)

Steele Memorial Library (Chemung County Library District)

101 E Church St, Elmira, NY 14901 (607)-733-9173
genealogy records Image of Chemung Valley History Museum

Chemung Valley History Museum

415 E Water St, Elmira, NY 14901 (607)-734-4167
environmental health Image of Chemung County Sewer District

Chemung County Sewer District

600 Milton St, Elmira, NY 14904 (607)-733-2887
vehicle records Image of Chemung County DMV

Chemung County DMV

425-477 Pennsylvania Ave, Elmira, NY 14904 (607)-737-5470

The information provided on this website about U.S. States, Counties, and Cities, is compiled from publicly available sources and is made available “as is” for informational purposes only. No representations, warranties or guarantees are made as to the accuracy, adequacy, reliability, currentness, completeness, suitability or applicability of the information contained on this website for any particular purpose. All 3rd party trademarks are for reference purposes only. powered by Intelius is a privately owned website and is not a direct source of government records or services and not affiliated with any government agency.

Chemung County, New York Statistics

Chemung County, New York Population

Data from

Employer Establishments in Chemung County, New York

Data from

Chemung County, New York Households

Data from

Chemung County, New York Median Household Income

Data from

Chemung County, New York Crime

Data from

Presidential Popular Vote Over Time

Data from

About our Resources

Compiled by: Chris E. | Reviewed by: Blake A. | Last update: 03/13/24

New York has a variety of public records that are accessible to anyone. These records encompass a wide range of data allowing individuals to review information online. Documents can include birth certificates, death records, marriage licenses, divorce records, business licenses, land records, and other important information. We compile our resource lists from reliable government agencies to ensure ease in your search.

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Adjoining Counties

The information provided on this website about U.S. States, Counties, and Cities, is compiled from publicly available sources and is made available “as is” for informational purposes only. No representations, warranties or guarantees are made as to the accuracy, adequacy, reliability, currentness, completeness, suitability or applicability of the information contained on this website for any particular purpose. All 3rd party trademarks are for reference purposes only. powered by Intelius is a privately owned website and is not a direct source of government records or services and not affiliated with any government agency.

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