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Rhode Island Laws and Codes Records

Conduct a laws and codes records search in Rhode Island using our laws and codes records resources.

Laws and Codes Records Resources for Rhode Island

View our laws and codes records resources for the state of Rhode Island. Use these laws and codes records to search for municodes, research code ordinances, or to view code enforcement guidelines. Laws and codes records may contain noise ordinance policies, legal updates, and other laws and code information.

County Resource Details

Employment Background Check Laws

Rhode Island employers who hire Rhode Island residents to work in the state of Rhode Island must abide by the Federal FCRA.

General Assembly Access Reports

View Rhode Island General Assembly access reports from 1999 to present.

washington county

Town of Charlestown Charter and Ordinances

View the Town of Charlestown town charter and ordinances by title and date of adoption.

washington county

Town of Exeter Code of Ordinances and Charter

Search or view the Town of Exeter town charter and code of ordinances including supplement history.

washington county

Town of Hopkinton Code of Ordinances

Search or view the Town of Hopkinton code of ordinances codified through ordinance number 198, enacted July 2, 2007.

washington county

Town of Narragansett Code of Ordinances

Search or view the Town of Narragansett updated code of ordinances including supplement history.

washington county

Town of North Kingstown Municipal Code

Search or view the Town of North Kingstown codified ordinance number 14-19, enacted September 15, 2014, including supplement history.

washington county

Town of Richmond Home Rule Charter

View the Town of Richmond home rule charter including original charter and amended charters.

washington county

Town of Richmond Public Document Search

Search for the Town of Richmond public documents including municipal code of ordinances, meeting agendas, and minutes.

washington county

Town of South Kingstown Municipal Code

Search or view the Town of South Kingstown municipal code of ordinances including supplement number 6, codified through ordinance of November 23, 2015.

washington county

Town of Westerly Municipal Code

Search or view the Town of Westerly municipal code and charter.

washington county

Town of Westerly Public Document Search

Search for the Town of Westerly Town Council public documents including meeting agendas, minutes, videos, ordinances and resolutions.

providence county

City of Central Falls Code of Ordinances

Search or view the City of Central Falls code of ordinances with online content updated on April 18, 2016.

providence county

City of Central Falls Meeting Minutes, Agendas, Ordinances and Resolutions

View City of Central Falls City Council meeting minutes and agendas including approved ordinances and resolutions.

providence county

City of Cranston Municipal Code

Search or view the City of Cranston municipal code of ordinances with online content updated on May 29, 2015.

providence county

City of East Providence Public Document Search

Search the City of East Providence public documents including ordinances, resolutions, city code, charter, Council agendas, and journals.

providence county

City of Pawtucket Municipal Code

Search or view the City of Pawtucket city charter and code of ordinances including legislation adopted through January 07, 2016.

providence county

City of Pawtucket Public Document Search

Search the City of Pawtucket public documents including meeting minutes, ordinances, and resolutions.

providence county

City of Providence Code of Ordinances

Search or view the City of Providence charter and code of ordinances codified through chapter number 2014-56, enacted December 11, 2014. (Supp. No. 80, 12-9-11)

providence county

City of Woonsocket Public Document Search

Search the City of Woonsocket City public documents including charter, city code, ordinance book, resolution book, and City Council meeting minutes.

providence county

Town of Burrillville Code of Ordinances

Search or view the Town of Burrillville code of ordinances including supplement history.

providence county

Town of Cumberland Municipal Code and Charter

Search or view the Town of Cumberland charter and municipal code of ordinances including supplement history.

providence county

Town of Cumberland Public Document Search

Search the Town of Cumberland public documents including ordinances, resolutions, agendas, and minutes.

providence county

Town of Glocester Code of Ordinances

Search or view the Town of Glocester charter and code of ordinances by ordinance number and title.

providence county

Town of Johnston Municipal Code and Charter

Search or view the Town of Johnston town charter and municipal code of ordinances.

providence county

Town of Lincoln Town Code

Search or view the Town of Lincoln town charter and code of ordinances.

providence county

Town of North Providence Charter

View the Town of North Providence town charter by title.

providence county

Town of North Providence Public Document Search

Search the Town of North Providence public documents including town code, ordinances, resolutions, town charter, and Town Council minutes.

providence county

Town of North Smithfield Town Charter and Ordinances

View Town of North Smithfield town charter and code of ordinances by number and title.

providence county

Town of Scituate Code of Ordinances

Search or view the Town of Scituate charter and code of ordinances including various enacted legislation not yet codified.

providence county

Town of Scituate Public Document Search

Search information about the Town of Scituate for public documents including resolutions, Town Council meeting agendas, and minutes.

providence county

Town of Smithfield Town Code

Search or view the Town of Smithfield town charter and code of ordinances.

newport county

City of Newport Code of Ordinances

Search or view the City of Newport code of ordinances codified through ordinance number 2016-06, passed January 27, 2016. (Newport Supp. No. 53, 4-16, Update 2)

newport county

Town of Jamestown Municipal Code

Search or view the Town of Jamestown municipal code of ordinances including supplement history and enacted legislation codified through ordinance of August 5, 2013.

newport county

Town of Little Compton Town Code

Search or view information about the Town of Little Compton municipal code of ordinances.

newport county

Town of Middletown Code of Ordinances

View Town of Middletown code of ordinances.

newport county

Town of Middletown Public Document Search

Search the Town of Middletown official documents including meeting minutes, agendas, ordinances, resolutions, town code, and charter.

newport county

Town of Portsmouth Home Rule Charter

View the Town of Portsmouth home rule charter.

newport county

Town of Portsmouth Ordinances

View the Town of Portsmouth town ordinances by number and title.

newport county

Town of Tiverton Public Documents

Search the Town of Tiverton public documents including charter and related laws, code of ordinances, press releases, resolution book, and meeting agendas and minutes.

newport county

Town of Tiverton Town Code

Search or view the Town of Tiverton town code of ordinances including supplement history and enacted legislation not yet codified.

kent county

City of Warwick Code of Ordinances

View the City of Warwick code of ordinances codified through ordinance number O-15-18, adopted January 2, 2016 (Supp. No. 22)

kent county

Town of Coventry Municipal Code

Search or view the Town of Coventry home rule charter and municipal code of ordinances.

kent county

Town of East Greenwich Muncipal Code

Search or view the Town of East Greenwich charter and municipal code of ordinances.

kent county

Town of West Warwick Public Documents

Search the Town of West Warwick public documents including code of ordinances, Town Council resolutions, ordinances, agendas and minutes.

bristol county

Town of Barrington Town Code and Charter

Search or view the Town of Barrington town charter, and code of ordinances by chapter number and title.

bristol county

Town of Bristol Municipal Code

Search or view the Town of Bristol municipal code of ordinances including code and ordinance updates.

bristol county

Town of Warren Municipal Code

Search or view the Town of Warren municipal code of ordinances including supplement history and enacted January 12, 2016 legislation not yet codified.

bristol county

Town of Warren Public Documents

Search the Town of Warren public documents including Town Council meeting agendas and minutes, charter, and regulations.

The information provided on this website about U.S. States, Counties, and Cities, is compiled from publicly available sources and is made available “as is” for informational purposes only. No representations, warranties or guarantees are made as to the accuracy, adequacy, reliability, currentness, completeness, suitability or applicability of the information contained on this website for any particular purpose. All 3rd party trademarks are for reference purposes only. PublicRecords.com powered by Intelius is a privately owned website and is not a direct source of government records or services and not affiliated with any government agency.

Agencies Holding Laws and Codes Records in Rhode Island

Below, you will find a list of offices in Rhode Island that may hold laws and codes records. When requesting law and code records from these offices, it's important to be aware of any procedures, requirements, and fees associated with obtaining the records. Contacting the respective office directly will provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding access to laws and codes records in Rhode Island.

Image Office Address Phone
Image of Washington County Sheriffs Office - Mcgrath Judicial Complex

Washington County Sheriffs Office - Mcgrath Judicial Complex

4800 Tower Hill Road South Kingstown, Rhode Island, 02879 (401)-782-4100
Image of Bristol County Sheriff Rhode Island

Bristol County Sheriff Rhode Island

395 Metacom Avenue, Bristol, Rhode Island 02809 (401)-253-6900
Image of Kent County Sheriffs Office / Kent County Jail

Kent County Sheriffs Office / Kent County Jail

222 Quaker Lane Warwick, Rhode Island, 02886 (401)-822-6960
Image of Newport County Sheriffs Office

Newport County Sheriffs Office

45 Washington Square Newport, Rhode Island, 02840 (401)-841-8300
Image of Providence County Sheriff's Office

Providence County Sheriff's Office

670 New London Avenue Cranston, Rhode Island, 02920 (401)-275-2900

The information provided on this website about U.S. States, Counties, and Cities, is compiled from publicly available sources and is made available “as is” for informational purposes only. No representations, warranties or guarantees are made as to the accuracy, adequacy, reliability, currentness, completeness, suitability or applicability of the information contained on this website for any particular purpose. All 3rd party trademarks are for reference purposes only. PublicRecords.com powered by Intelius is a privately owned website and is not a direct source of government records or services and not affiliated with any government agency.

About our Resources

Compiled by: Chris E. | Reviewed by: Blake A. | Last update: 03/13/24

Rhode Island has a variety of laws and codes records that are accessible to anyone. These records encompass a wide range of data allowing individuals to access and review available information online. Records can include but are not limited to, noise ordinances, municodes, and other laws or codes information. We compile our resource lists from reliable government agencies to ensure ease in your search.

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Search Laws and Codes Records Resources by County

The information provided on this website about U.S. States, Counties, and Cities, is compiled from publicly available sources and is made available “as is” for informational purposes only. No representations, warranties or guarantees are made as to the accuracy, adequacy, reliability, currentness, completeness, suitability or applicability of the information contained on this website for any particular purpose. All 3rd party trademarks are for reference purposes only. PublicRecords.com powered by Intelius is a privately owned website and is not a direct source of government records or services and not affiliated with any government agency.