
West Virginia GIS Records

Conduct a GIS records search in West Virginia using our GIS records resources.

GIS Records Resources for West Virginia

View our GIS records resources for the state of West Virginia. Use these GIS records to search for land ownership maps, cadastral maps, or property line maps. GIS records may contain GIS property search records, property ownership maps, and other public GIS record information.

County Resource Details

Environmental Maps

Search West Virginia environmental maps including aerial photography and topography.

GIS Maps

View West Virginia GIS maps including base maps, cultural, environmental, flood maps, and others.

cabell county

Property Search and GIS Maps

Search Cabell County property tax and assessment records by name, address or parcel through GIS maps.

cabell county

Cabell County WV GIS Mapping Tool

Explore interactive maps and property information in Cabell County, WV, with comprehensive data sourced from recorded plats, deeds, and other official records.

cabell county

Cabell County WV GIS Tax Maps

Explore interactive GIS tax maps and utilize the tax estimator tool for comprehensive property insights in Cabell County, WV. Accessible information provided by the Cabell County Assessor.

cabell county

Cabell County Assessor's Office - GIS & Tax Services

Explore Cabell County's GIS maps, access tax estimators, and find office information for the Assessor's Office located at the Cabell County Courthouse, 750 Fifth Avenue, Huntington, WV.

cabell county

Cabell County WV GIS Interactive Voting Map

Explore Cabell County's GIS interactive map to locate voting precincts and districts. Visit the Cabell County Clerk's office online for more information.

cabell county

Cabell County WV GIS Property Explorer

Explore property details, ownership, and geographical data across Cabell County, WV, with our comprehensive GIS mapping tool.

cabell county

Cabell County Assessor's GIS Tax Maps

Explore and print detailed tax maps of Cabell County, West Virginia, provided by the Cabell County Assessor's office for convenient access to property and GIS data.

cabell county

Cabell County Magistrate Court Contact Information

Contact the Magistrate Court in Cabell County, WV for inquiries on court proceedings, schedules, and services. Reach out for assistance or information.

cabell county

Cabell County Magistrate Court Contact Information

Get in touch with the Cabell County Magistrate Court in West Virginia. For inquiries or assistance, please reach out to us. Note: Response times may vary during peak election periods.

cabell county

Cabell County Magistrate Court | West Virginia Judiciary

Contact the Cabell County Magistrate Court in West Virginia for local legal proceedings and inquiries. Find phone numbers and more information.

cabell county

Understanding the Functioning of West Virginia Magistrate Courts

Discover the role and operations of West Virginia's magistrate courts, including Cabell County. Understand their jurisdiction in municipal and state law enforcement.

cabell county

Cabell County Clerk - Official Records and Services

Explore a wide range of public records, including land, birth, death, marriage, and wills, maintained by Scott Caserta, the Chief County Clerk of Cabell County.

cabell county

Cabell County Magistrate Court, West Virginia

Explore the services of the Cabell County Magistrate Court in West Virginia, including court schedules, case information, and legal resources.

cabell county

Cabell County WV Judiciary Information

Learn about the Cabell County judiciary, including information on magistrate elections, circuit court details, and the appeal process to the 4th Circuit Court.

randolph county

Property Search and GIS Maps

Search Randolph County property tax and assessment records through GIS map.

raleigh county

Property Search and GIS Maps

Search Raleigh County property tax and assessment records by parcel number, owner name, district, and GIS maps.

putnam county

Property Search and GIS Maps

Search Putnam County property tax and assessment records through GIS maps.

pocahontas county

Property Search and GIS Maps

Search Pocahontas County property assessments by owner's name, address, parcel number, deed book, tax year, and more.

monongalia county

Property Tax Search and Tax Maps

Search and view database information page for Monongalia County property tax and assessment records by name, account number or parcel number including tax maps, and more.

mineral county

Property Search and GIS Maps

Search Mineral County property tax and assessment records by name, address or parcel id through GIS maps.

marshall county

Property Search and GIS Maps

Search Marshall County property tax and assessment records by name, address or parcel through GIS maps.

lincoln county

GIS Maps and Parcel Search

View Lincoln County GIS maps including tax parcel search by owner name, parcel id or address.

kanawha county

City of Charleston Meeting Minutes

View City of Charleston City Countil meeting minutes by year and date from 2012 to present including ward map.

kanawha county

GIS Maps and Parcel Search

View Kanawha County GIS maps including tax parcel search by parcel id.

jackson county

Property Search and GIS Maps

Search Jackson County property tax and assessment records by owner's name, address, parcel ID, deed book, tax year through GIS maps.

hardy county

Property Search and GIS Maps

Search Hardy County property tax records by owner name, parcel id or address through GIS maps.

hancock county

Tax Maps

View Hancock County tax maps by district and map number.

hampshire county

Property Search and GIS Maps

Search Hampshire County property tax and assessment records by name, address or parcel number through GIS maps.

greenbrier county

Property Search and GIS Maps

Search Greenbrier County parcel data by ownership, parcel number, sales, tax value location through GIS maps.

fayette county

Property Search and GIS Maps

Search Fayette County property tax and assessment records by name, address, parcel number through GIS maps.

brooke county

Tax Maps

View Brooke County tax maps by district number or map number.

summers county

Voter and Election Information

View Summers County voter registration and election information including precinct listings, polling places, early voting, and precinct map.

The information provided on this website about U.S. States, Counties, and Cities, is compiled from publicly available sources and is made available “as is” for informational purposes only. No representations, warranties or guarantees are made as to the accuracy, adequacy, reliability, currentness, completeness, suitability or applicability of the information contained on this website for any particular purpose. All 3rd party trademarks are for reference purposes only. powered by Intelius is a privately owned website and is not a direct source of government records or services and not affiliated with any government agency.

Agencies Holding GIS Records in West Virginia

Below, you will find a list of offices in West Virginia that may hold GIS maps. When requesting GIS records from these offices, it's important to be aware of any procedures, requirements, and fees associated with obtaining the records. Contacting the respective office directly will provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding access to GIS records in West Virginia.

Image Office Address Phone
Image of Putnam County Assessor

Putnam County Assessor

12093 Winfield Road, Suite 3, Winfield, WV 25213 (304)-586-0206
Image of Pocahontas County Assessor

Pocahontas County Assessor

900 10th Avenue Suite I, Marlinton, WV 24954 (304)-799-4750
Image of Monongalia County Assessor

Monongalia County Assessor

243 High St., 2nd Floor of Courthouse "Annex", Morgantown, WV 26505 (304)-291-7225
Image of Randolph County Asssessor

Randolph County Asssessor

4 Randolph Ave., Room 101, Elkins, WV 26241 (304)-636-2114
Image of Raleigh County Assessor

Raleigh County Assessor

215 Main St., Beckley, WV 25801 (304)-255-9178
Image of Marshall County Assessor Marshall County Courthouse

Marshall County Assessor Marshall County Courthouse

Marshall County Courthouse 600 7th St., Moundsville, WV 26041 (304)-845-1220
Image of Lincoln County Assessor Lincoln County Courthouse

Lincoln County Assessor Lincoln County Courthouse

8000 Court Ave., Hamlin, WV 25523 (304)-824-7990
Image of Cabell County Assessor

Cabell County Assessor

750 5th Ave., Suite 308, Huntington, WV 25701 (304)-526-9894
Image of Summers County Clerk

Summers County Clerk

120 Ballengee St., Ste. 106, Hinton, WV 25951 (304)-466-7104

The information provided on this website about U.S. States, Counties, and Cities, is compiled from publicly available sources and is made available “as is” for informational purposes only. No representations, warranties or guarantees are made as to the accuracy, adequacy, reliability, currentness, completeness, suitability or applicability of the information contained on this website for any particular purpose. All 3rd party trademarks are for reference purposes only. powered by Intelius is a privately owned website and is not a direct source of government records or services and not affiliated with any government agency.

About our Resources

Compiled by: Chris E. | Reviewed by: Blake A. | Last update: 03/13/24

West Virginia has a variety of GIS records that are accessible to anyone. These records encompass a wide range of data allowing individuals to access and review available information online. Records can include but are not limited to, land ownership maps, property lines maps, and cadastral mapping information. We compile our resource lists from reliable government agencies to ensure ease in your search.

Didn’t Find What You’re Looking for?

If you couldn't find the resource you were searching for, go to the West Virginia Property & Land Records page for other public records resources. Looking for something other than property and land tax records in West Virginia? Search the database of all public records available.

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Search GIS Records Resources by County

The information provided on this website about U.S. States, Counties, and Cities, is compiled from publicly available sources and is made available “as is” for informational purposes only. No representations, warranties or guarantees are made as to the accuracy, adequacy, reliability, currentness, completeness, suitability or applicability of the information contained on this website for any particular purpose. All 3rd party trademarks are for reference purposes only. powered by Intelius is a privately owned website and is not a direct source of government records or services and not affiliated with any government agency.