
Arizona Property Tax Records

Conduct a property tax search in Arizona using our property tax records resources.

Property Tax Records Resources for Arizona

View our property tax records resources for the state of Arizona. Use these property records to search for land records, property owners, conduct a deed search, or to search for land ownership records. Some of these resources may allow you to search by name or address. Other property information searches are by parcel number or by parcel ID and property ID. Property tax records may contain tax delinquent properties, property value, property tax liens, and other public property tax record information.

County Resource Details

Online Tax Payment and Business License Renewal

Pay Arizona state taxes or register business licenses online.

GIS Maps and Parcel Search

View Arizona GIS maps including parcel viewer.

navajo county

Property Tax Search

Search Navajo County property tax and assessment records by parcel number, street number or owner name.

navajo county

Navajo County AZ Property Tax Payment Information

For current year Navajo County property tax payments or to inquire about past due amounts, reach out to the Treasurer's Office at (928) 524-4172.

navajo county

Navajo County Property Tax Records Search - Arizona

Explore property tax records in Navajo County, Arizona with our comprehensive online search tool. Find detailed assessment information for accurate tax insights.

navajo county

Navajo County Recorder - Michael Sample's Office in AZ

Learn about Michael Sample's role as the Navajo County Recorder in AZ since his appointment in April 2020 and subsequent election. Find official records and services.

navajo county

Navajo County Document Recording Services

Navajo County, AZ, offers remote document recording services. Utilize our convenient kiosks located at Snowflake Justice Court, 145 South Main Street Suite D, and other sites.

navajo county

Navajo County Recorder - Public Records Access

Obtain court records, GIS data, and various public documents through the Navajo County Recorder's official request page.

navajo county

Navajo County Recorder's Office - Arizona Public Records

The Navajo County Recorder's Office in Arizona ensures the preservation of important public documents, including deeds, mortgages, liens, and affidavits. It offers public access to these records for transparency and reference.

navajo county

Navajo County Recorder's Document Fee Schedule

View the Navajo County Recorder's fee schedule for document copies, including per-page costs and certification fees for official records.

navajo county

Navajo County Recorder Search | Arizona Public Records

Explore Navajo County, AZ public records for property information, tax details, and official documents. Start your Navajo County recorder search now.

navajo county

Pay Your Navajo County Property Taxes Online

Pay your current year Navajo County property taxes online. For past due amounts or to confirm your balance, please reach out to the Navajo County Treasurer's Office at 928-524-4172.

navajo county

Navajo County, AZ Property Tax Payment Online

Easily pay your Navajo County, AZ property taxes online using credit/debit card or e-check via Point and Pay LLC. Stay current on your tax payments with convenient online services.

navajo county

Navajo County Property Tax Information - Treasurer's Office

Learn about property tax assessments, payments, and delinquency interest rates in Navajo County, AZ. Stay informed on tax obligations and deadlines.

navajo county

Navajo County Property Tax Services, Arizona

Discover property tax services in Navajo County, AZ, including parcel information, tax payment options, tax lien details, and zoning resources for property owners.

mohave county

Property Search

Search Mohave County property tax and assessment records by parcel number, name or address.

mohave county

Mohave County Property Records Search - Arizona

Explore property records in Mohave County, Arizona with our user-friendly online search tool. Access accurate and up-to-date property information directly from the Mohave County Recorder's Office.

mohave county

Mohave County Property Records Search by Name | Arizona

Search and access Mohave County property records by name in Arizona. Find property taxes, ownership details, and more on NETR Online.

mohave county

Mohave County Property Search by Name - Arizona

Search for property information in Mohave County, AZ by name. Find real estate details, tax records, and land parcels easily through the official government portal.

mohave county

Mohave County Property Owner Search - Arizona

Search for property information in Mohave County, AZ by owner name. Find parcel numbers, situs addresses, and more with our user-friendly search tools.

mohave county

Mohave County Property Records Search

Explore property details in Mohave County, Arizona with ease. Access reliable and up-to-date property records directly through the Mohave County Treasury Web Access portal.

la paz county

La Paz County Property Records Search | Arizona

Search and access property records in La Paz County, AZ, for property valuations, tax assessments, and other real estate information through the Assessor's Office.

la paz county

La Paz County Property Records Search | EagleWeb

Discover property details, valuations, and owner information in La Paz County, AZ with our comprehensive online property records search via EagleWeb.

la paz county

La Paz County Property Records Search | Arizona

Search for property information and public records in La Paz County, Arizona, including property taxes, ownership, assessments, and more.

la paz county

La Paz County Recorder's Office - Property Records & Voter Services

Explore La Paz County, AZ property records, voter registration, early voting options, and more through the Recorder's Office official portal.

la paz county

La Paz County Property Tax Information & Payments

Explore property tax information and make payments for properties within La Paz County, Arizona. Contact the Treasurer's Office for assistance.

yuma county

Property Tax Search

Search Yuma County property tax records by owner name, address, parcel number or legal description.

yuma county

Tax Parcel Indexes

View Yuma County Assessor tax parcel conversion indexes including subdivision indexes.

yavapai county

Property Search and GIS Maps

Search Yavapai County property tax and assessment records by address, parcel number or name through GIS maps.

santa cruz county

Property Search

Search Santa Cruz property tax and assessment records by parcel number, tax ID, address or owner name.

pinal county

Property Document Search

Search Pinal County property tax and assessment records by owner name, property address or parcel number.

pinal county

GIS Mapping

Search Pinal County GIS map for property assessments, zoning designations, permit and inspection areas.

pinal county

Property Tax Search

Search Pinal County property tax records by parcel number, owner name or address.

pima county

Property Search

Search Pima County property tax and assessment records by parcel, taxpayer, property address including subdivision maps and plats.

pima county

City of Tucson Property Search

Search City of Tucson property assessment records by parcel name, owner name, address or account number.

pima county

Taxpayer Search

Search Pima County property tax records by taxpayer name, taxpayer number and zip code.

pima county

Town of Oro Valley GIS Maps

View various Town of Oro Valley GIS maps including boundary map, government buildings, parcels, general plan, street index, trails, zoning, and environmentally sensitive lands.

maricopa county

Property Search and GIS Maps

Search Maricopa County property tax records by owner name, parcel or address through GIS maps.

maricopa county

City of Chandler Commercial and Industrial Real Estate Search

Search City of Chandler available commercial and industrial real estate by property, description and condition.

maricopa county

City of Phoenix Parcel Search and GIS Maps

View City of Phoenix parcel search by owner name, address, and parcel id number including GIS maps.

maricopa county

City of Surprise Commercial and Industrial Real Estate Search

Search City of Surprise available commercial and industrial real estate by special planning, intersection, address, city, county and more.

maricopa county

GIS Maps

View Maricopa County GIS maps including parcel search, historical aerial photography, survey points, elections and voting districts, and other maps.

maricopa county

Parcel Search and GIS Maps

Search Maricopa County tax parcels by address including GIS maps.

maricopa county

Town of Gilbert Parcel Search

Search Town of Gilbert parcel records by parcel number, name and street address.

greenlee county

Parcel Search

Search Greenlee County parcel records by parcel number, account number, address or owner name.

graham county

Property Search

Search Graham County property tax and assessment records by parcel number, book and map, address, owner name or tax ID.

gila county

Property Search

Search Gila County current property tax and assessment records by parcel number, tax ID, address or owner name.

coconino county

Property Search

Search Coconino County GIS map for property tax and assessment records. Search by owner name, address or parcel number.

coconino county

Assessor Maps

Search Coconino County assessor maps.

coconino county

Ownership History Records

Search Coconino County property ownership history records by parcel number, owner name, address and more.

apache county

Property Search

Search Apache County property tax and assessment records such as parcel number, tax ID, address or owner name.

The information provided on this website about U.S. States, Counties, and Cities, is compiled from publicly available sources and is made available “as is” for informational purposes only. No representations, warranties or guarantees are made as to the accuracy, adequacy, reliability, currentness, completeness, suitability or applicability of the information contained on this website for any particular purpose. All 3rd party trademarks are for reference purposes only. powered by Intelius is a privately owned website and is not a direct source of government records or services and not affiliated with any government agency.

Agencies Holding Property Tax Records in Arizona

Below, you will find a list of offices in Arizona such as the tax assessor's office that may hold property tax records. When requesting property tax records from these offices, it's important to be aware of any procedures, requirements, and fees associated with obtaining the records. Contacting the respective office directly will provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding access to property data and tax records in Arizona.

Image Office Address Phone
Image of Coconino County Assessor

Coconino County Assessor

110 East Cherry Ave., Flagstaff, AZ 86001 (928)-679-7962
Image of Yuma County Assessor

Yuma County Assessor

410 S. Maiden Lane, Ste. A, Yuma AZ 85364 (928)-373-6040
Image of Pima County Assessor

Pima County Assessor

115 N. Church Ave., Tucson, AZ 85701 (520)-740-8630
Image of Maricopa County Assessor

Maricopa County Assessor

301 West Jefferson St., Phoenix, AZ 85003 (602)-506-3406
Image of Cochise County Assessor

Cochise County Assessor

1415 Melody Lane, Bldg. B, Bisbee, AZ 85603 (520)-432-8650

The information provided on this website about U.S. States, Counties, and Cities, is compiled from publicly available sources and is made available “as is” for informational purposes only. No representations, warranties or guarantees are made as to the accuracy, adequacy, reliability, currentness, completeness, suitability or applicability of the information contained on this website for any particular purpose. All 3rd party trademarks are for reference purposes only. powered by Intelius is a privately owned website and is not a direct source of government records or services and not affiliated with any government agency.

About our Resources

Compiled by: Chris E. | Reviewed by: Blake A. | Last update: 03/13/24

Arizona has a variety of property tax records that are accessible to anyone. These records encompass a wide range of data allowing individuals to access and review available information online. Records can include but are not limited to, tax lien searches, tax deed sales, and tax foreclosed properties. We compile our resource lists from reliable government agencies to ensure ease in your search.

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Search Property Tax Records Resources by County

The information provided on this website about U.S. States, Counties, and Cities, is compiled from publicly available sources and is made available “as is” for informational purposes only. No representations, warranties or guarantees are made as to the accuracy, adequacy, reliability, currentness, completeness, suitability or applicability of the information contained on this website for any particular purpose. All 3rd party trademarks are for reference purposes only. powered by Intelius is a privately owned website and is not a direct source of government records or services and not affiliated with any government agency.